The Thief Taken Up

Sunday, November 24, 2013
Luke 23:33-43

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To listen to Nick read the one-minute introduction.

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Mingle with the crowd at the cross of Jesus. What do you hear? Shouting and mocking. Two thieves were bound to their crosses next to Jesus. One of them added his voice to the shouting; the other kept silent, watching Jesus and listening to the silence that flowed from his breaths. The Spirit moved into the heart of this thief. Listen to the sweet conversation between Jesus and him. No longer did this man even notice the crowd, or hear all the noise; he even forget his own pain for a moment as he gave himself to Jesus.

A famous spiritual leader, Fulton Sheen said: “The thief on the left wanted to be taken down; the thief on the right wanted to be taken up!”

The Reading for Today
Text     Audio

Bible Breaths
“My Father, please forgive them.” v. 34
This is the King of the Jews. v. 38
Lord Jesus, remember me…v. 42
Now with You in paradise. v. 43

Click or touch the image
for the original version.

This is the last of thirteen weeks in Kingdomtide, Year C.
See “Solar and Sacred Seasons” in the menu above.
Sundays are dedicated to the Gospels from
The Revised Common Lectionary.
Year C is dedicated to the Gospel of Luke.

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The Firestarters and readings are posted in the timezone UTC+12, so that they are available in New Zealand and other regions near the International Date Line.

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