Daily Archives: July 9, 2013

Links to Ancestors

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

1 Chronicles 7—9

Click or touch “Firestarter”
To listen to Nick read the one-minute introduction.


Here are more chapters to skim as we complete the long list of descendants that take up the first nine chapters of this book. Some ideas to keep in mind…

Searching into one’s family tree is made much easier these days due to tremendous data bases that families can find on the internet. The names in these chapters make up “God’s Data Base” that gives the people just back from exile a sense of who they are.

God has used many persons in your life to bring you to faith and love for Jesus. Who are they? I wonder who helped these persons find God? You surely don’t know who they all are, but think of this: there is a whole net of persons extending back like links in a chain, that have brought you to this day. Something else to think about: if any of your ancestors did not meet and get married, you would not be here!

The Reading for Today
Text     Audio

Bible Breaths
Blessing those who brought me faith
My place in the family
My self leaping from the past
Living to make a diff’rence
For more about this way to pray, see “Daily Bible Breaths” in Resources.

Click or touch the image
for the original version.

This is the sixth of thirteen weeks in Pentecost, Year C.
See “Solar and Sacred Seasons” in the menu above.
Tuesdays are dedicated the Hebrew “Writings.”

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The Firestarters and readings are posted in the timezone UTC+12, so that they are available in New Zealand and other regions near the International Date Line.